New, Enhanced Features on GBS.World

New, Enhanced Features on GBS.World

The World Source Marketplace for Global Business Services (GBS.World), the research-centric marketplace and sourcing platform for global business buyers and outsourcing providers, has switched on a refreshed and updated home page.

The updated website provides buyers with easier ways to source service providers across 11 categories in 70 countries on six continents. Categories of service include back office, contact center, digital, sales, customer service, debt recovery, finance and accounting, HR, IT and technology suppliers.

Enhanced search engine

One of the most noticeable changes is the new search engine, which has been optimized to provide more relevant keyword results. In addition, users can search via several popular search options, such as location, category, matched sourcing services and requests for proposals.

Ratings and reviews

Another major change is the introduction of ratings for providers in each services category. These ratings are based on a number of factors, including user reviews, expert opinions and market data. The ratings will provide buyers with an easy way to compare different providers and make an informed decision about who to source from.

The new website offers a more in-depth look at the different types of service provider programs offered by GBS.World, namely Trusted, Verified and Certified. Each program has its own set of benefits and features. A rolling scrollbar gives users a quick glimpse as to which providers have been assessed in each program.

Mapping opportunities

In some areas, detail has been simplified, most notably the worldwide location map. Users no longer have to scroll further down the webpage to view each region. Instead, one can simply select a region via a tab above the location map, which reveals the number of GBS providers in each country in the respective region.

A such, providers can easily select a relevant region and quickly identify GBS providers in that particular area.

Finding what’s right for you

The new website design provides an intuitive and efficient way for buyers to find the best providers for their needs.

With just a few clicks, buyers can now explore GBS.World’s extensive database of qualified providers and quickly identify those that meet their specific requirements.

All buyers are encouraged to take advantage of the new features and see how they can help streamline the business-matching process.


Companies that want to source any range of business services will find various research-centric tools to assist in their decision-making processes. These include consumer and industry research, location analyses and benchmarking, and profiling of service providers. Business-to-Business (B2B) sourcing and advisory services are also available through GBS World on demand.

“We built extensive benefits into our offering based on the best available research on what buyers of business services really want,” says Mark Angus, Founding Partner of GBS World. “We knew we had to address every need if we were to succeed at creating a comprehensive global marketplace.” Angus adds that GBS World has been used for some time by a select group of industry leaders to test the marketplace’s value and useability. Feedback has been built into the system to ensure an exceptional user experience for all.

Surveys conducted by GBS World detailed the pain points buyers experience when they need to outsource to service providers. Their wish list included details like authentic service provider reviews and qualification metrics and enough market intelligence to decide on the best onshore, offshore or nearshore delivery points. Above all, they wanted to know that they were making the best outsourcing decisions for their budgets.

“We also learned that business service buyers often want to discuss their options with qualified sourcing consultants and industry analysts, so we provide that service via analysts, strategists and consulting partners,” says Angus.